Sunday, November 13, 2011

London Trip

I've been lazy about writing things but as of today, I've decided to be up to date so I had to cut the bus talk in to 2 parts since I wrote that part 2 weeks ago and didn't finish. Will finish soon.

I have been to London before multiple times, heck I was there a few months back visiting my sister. But I never visited London AFTER I had stayed in Brighton for more than a month, go figure. But yes, now I have. And have no fear citizens, I will talk about it.

I think I should tell this last but fuck it, here it goes, London sucks, Brighton rocks!

After tasting Brighton for more than a month, the second we got off the London train, I felt overwhelmed. Don't get me wrong, Istanbul is a more crowded and hectic city than London (not by a landslide but it is) and I am used to crowded cities. But after getting used to Brighton (you got used to it in a month after spending 8 years in Istanbul? Liar!!) London just seemed too crowded, too chaotic, too loud, too dark, too expensive and boring. My ticket, which I was late to buy and had to pay a bit more for it, cost me 6.75 where a day travel ticket in London is 7.30 (if you don't have Oyster, and this is not all zones). Fuckin' thieves..

I will admit, London is a beautiful city, it's just that after Brighton it seems like an old city. It's hard to describe the feeling with my close to shit English. In Brighton it's party time 7 days a week, fancy dress events every day (you might know this as costume parties, which I did not know at first and wondered why so many people wanted to dress formally), people getting drunk every night and everyone having fun and enjoying it, everyone a tid bit happier, everyone more relaxed, a bit like Amsterdam but better :). While as the scene in London always put me off a little bit.

I just realised that I won't be able to describe any of my feelings, what a great writer I am, I'm sure you learned tons! Well, that's what you get. I'm sure we will come back to this topic as I make more trips to London and as I write more about  Brighton (so that you'll see why it's such a great city).
For now, thanks to my buddy and host the T-man for hosting us this weekend. All my man love goes to him.

Having the big English breakfast in London

Yes, I was extremely sleepy.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Buses buses buses p1

I did not like buses in İstanbul. I used them a lot, but never liked them. What is there to like about them? Super crowded, most of them very old, seriously noisy, bad drivers most of the time, and of course last but not least, the traffic.

So, immediately as I arrived in Brighton, buses caught my eye. At first I didn't understand the writings and numbers on the sides of the buses since I knew nothing about Brighton and it's surroundings. I live in the centre of King's Road. Which puts me at the centre of the town centre. So there are buses that pass through Churchill Square (the main square of the town centre) to all around Brighton&Hove. So soon enough, I realized that most buses showed their routes and approximately how many minutes there were between each bus on one side of the bus. Beautiful! Smartest thing I've seen in a long while. I would've loved to show photos for those of you who haven't seen it but I don't have a camera, and google search failed me.. Well, whadaya know, found one:

  Buses in Brighton
Well of course while one side had these, the other sides sometimes have these strange things, and believe me, they have lots of variations of it:
There are loads of photos and texts telling you how pleasant it is to ride buses in Brighton&Hove, and that you can enjoy doing various things on the bus, like on the one at the top image, the lady claims she can do her make up on the bus, which we tried, and no, it's not true (one claimed that the cleaners of the buses are very happy, don't know why).
Few more things and comparisons soon to come.